Jeff Brooks folge ich schon seit Jahren auf seinem Blog Future Fundraising Now, seine Interviews genieße ich auf YouTube, von seinen Vorträgen lerne ich gern.
Jeff Brooks ist schnörkellos. Unpretentiös. Auf den Punkt genau. Leidenschaftlicher Fundraiser, mit über 30 Jahren Erfahrung im operativen Geschäft. Und großartig. Ich mag ihn gern.
Deshalb lasse ich ihn hier einmal selbst zu Wort kommen. Denn seine Erkenntnisse helfen dabei, einen klugen Blick auf das gesamte Fundraising zu gewinnen. Erst im Video, dann in einem Blogartikel. Beides ist in Englisch. Keine Sorge, beides ist leicht zu verstehen.
In einem seiner jüngsten Blogartikel teilt er diese Einsichten seines Kollegen Steven Screen:
Fundraising truths you'll wish you knew a long time ago
Experience makes a difference. Here's what 25-year professional Steven Screen at Better Fundraising has learned about donors, at Things an Old Fundraiser Knows:
- It's harder than ever to get and keep attention.
- We need more drama and less process.
- We need more National Enquirer and less National Geographic.
- Fundraising should be louder, bolder, redder.
- Don't assume your donor is going to read anything you send them, let alone the whole thing.
- The way your organization does its work is rarely important.
- The best-performing fundraising is usually about something the donor cares about, at the level at which they understand it, and about what their gift will do about it.
- Most small nonprofits have untapped giving of 15% to 25% of their total revenue -- they have a lot of donors who would like to give more money if they are Asked well and then cultivated correctly.
- Most of the barriers to raising more money are self-imposed.
- Successful fundraising is a knowledge issue, not a talent issue.
- Donor generosity is amazing.
These are nuggets that can help you transform your fundraising!